Tutorial: Pop-Up Card “Peony”

Originally I had planned to create a red peony, that looks as real as possible. But then I noticed that this pop-up card looks also good in other colors. For the production of this card, you will need a bit of time – but it is definitely worth the effort! This card is also very suitable as a gift.
The manual consists of 3 parts. Click on the icons at the bottom of the videos to activate closed captions in German or English.

UPDATE from July 2021: I have published an additional video in which I explain the assembly more clearly. I also give you a few additional tips . You should definitely watch this first:

You can download the colored template here:
flower_pop_up_card_template_color (PDF, 897 KB)
For private use only! No commercial use!

If you want to make your own designs, you can download a white template here:
flower_pop_up_card_template_white (PDF, 94,4 KB)
For private use only! No commercial use!

You will find more free tutorials in my Youtube channel.


        • Dear Anil Gupta, the templates for the “peony” pop-up card are right here on this webpage. Just have a look right below the video. If you are searching for other templates, just click on the button “tutorials” in the menu. More links can be found on my page with frequently asked questions: Just click on the FAQ button. With all best, Peter

          • Sir, I’m your big fan. I am following you since many years. Now I’m expecting more tutorials from you. Pleae make more tutorials. And also please make a video you how you create templates in your computer.

          • Dear Akshath, many thanks for your kind comment. I am very happy that you like my designs and my tutorials. Please understand, that I am a designer in the first place – but I am not a teacher or tutor. I simply don’t have enough time to create more tutorials. I am planning to do more tutorials in the future, but I can only do this, if I have some spare time. So please be patient. In the meantime, please have a look at this list: Here you can find hundreds of free tutorials by paper artists from all over the world: useful tips and links
            I think, this is a misunderstanding: I don’t create my designs on the computer, but entirely by hand. Only if all details are perfect in my handmade model, I take all pieces apart and scan them on a flatbed scanner. Only THEN I am using a computer to draw all the outlines in “Adobe Illustrator”. I am explaining the whole creation process on my FAQ page. The famous paper artist and paper engineer Matthew Reinhard has created a video on this topic. Please watch it on Youtube: Pop-Up Master Class with Matthew Reinhart: Copying a POP-UP by Hand I hope that I could help you. All the best, Peter

    • omg i totally wasted alot of time trying this and couldnt do it..you are awesome and i loved what you made. but i cant lol

      • Dear barb, many thanks for your comment. I am sorry that I am explaining the „peony“ not good enough. But I hope that I can help you: Please have a closer look at the video (Part one), especially at the seconds from 5:40 to 7:00. Maybe it helps, if you switch on the english subtitles. Make sure, that you keep all the folding lines – don’t fold the piece flat!! The final „flower“ does NOT look like a FULL circle. Make sure, that you can see the printed numbers on the sides (as seen in the video at 6:57) Each piece has still it’s „zig zag“shape, but they are connected to one large element.
        At 7:02 you can see, how the element shall look, when you connect it to the next element of the flower.
        I hope that this will help you to create your own peony pop-up card! I wish you every success and much fun! With all best, Peter

  • Merry Chrismas Mr. Peter, I’m so respect your tutorial. May I ask you, how to make this pop-up flower while in my place there are not much kind or paper. Thank you

  • Dear Kalvin, many thanks for your best wishes. I hope that you had a nice Christmas too!
    The explanation, how to make the pop-up flower is in the videos right here on this page. You can download the templates by clicking on the links below the videos. I ask for your understanding, that I can’t give you any further help. If you live in a place, where it is difficult to receive paper in the sorts that are requestd for this certain design, I suggest, that you should create a different pop-up card. Other designs can also be created from waste paper/card stock/card stock from packaging, e.g. chocolate boxes. Please have a look at my list with many other tutorials: https://peterdahmen.de/en/faq/#FAQ003 I hope that I could help you. I wish you a happy New Year! Peter

  • its amazing! Thank you very much for templates and such detailed video tutorial!
    That was big challenge for the evening)

    Thank you!

  • Hola, disculpa, quisiera saber en que tamaño de hoja necesito imprimir estas plantillas. por favor. En hoja tamaño carta?? O tamaño oficio??

    • Dear Alvar Moises, many thanks for your comment. Please print the templates on paper in A4 size. Best regards, Peter
      (Traducido con Google:) Estimado Alvar Moises, muchas gracias por su comentario. Por favor, imprimir las plantillas en papel de tamaño A4. Muchos saludos, Peter

  • Thank you for the tutorial for such a beautiful card.

    How would I get the same shading as the peony with the purple center graduating to white tips.

    • Dear Michele, many thanks for your comment! I am happy that you like my design. To create petals with more than one color, (like the pink and white flower in my video), you need to print a colored gradient on all pages that are needed for the petals. Instead of printing, you may also paint each of the elements with color before you assemble them. But keep in mind, that the blossom is made of 11 pieces, and you have to paint (or print) on both sides. This makes so much effort, that I decided, not to show it in my video. Unfortunately, there is no quick method to do this. I hope that I could help you. All the best, Peter

      • Hi,
        since I like the white peonia with gradient colors of pink and purple, I tried to paint them with Promarkers. The ink passes through the paper and so you can see the colors on both sides. BUT, the assemblage is not clear to me yet…. I tried for a long time to get the right side of the circle N° 2 to match with N° 1 and then N° 3….
        In the video it seems that some parts of the circles have been cut so tha one part is missing… or it only “seems” because the paper is folded… I a bit confused…
        Thank you! Best regards. Vielen Dank!

        • Dear Sr Benedetta, many thanks for your comment. I am sorry that I am explaining the „peony“ not good enough. Unfortunately, many people write me messages, that they have trouble with the assembling. But I hope that I can help you. Please have a closer look at the video (Part one), especially at the seconds from 5:40 to 7:00
          Maybe it helps, if you switch on the english subtitles.
          Make sure, that you keep all the folding lines – don’t fold the piece flat!!

          The final „flower“ does NOT look like a FULL circle.
          Make sure, that you can see the printed numbers on the sides (as seen in the video at 6:57)
          Each piece has still it’s „zig zag“shape, but they are connected to one large element.

          At 7:02 you can see, how the element shall look, when you connect it to the next element of the flower.
          I hope that this will help you to create your own peony pop-up card!
          I wish you every success and much fun!
          With all best

          • Vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche und schnelle Antwort. Ja, ich habe das Tutorial mit Untertiteln in Englisch, gefolgt, weil … obwohl ich Deutsch mag, habe ich nicht die Möglichkeit haben, es zu lernen … Also, für die Pfingstrose wieder ich werde es versuchen. Ich beende die Kreise für den Augenblick zu färben und dann werde ich noch einmal zu der Versammlung geben. Ich wollte nur, um sicherzustellen, dass kein Teil der benötigten Kreise schneiden. Wieder Vielen Dank für Ihre Freundlichkeit und beste Grüße und Grüße aus Italien!
            Thank you so much for your kind and quick response. Yes, I have followed the tutorial with subtitles in English because … even though I like German, I did not have the opportunity to learn it … So, for the peony I’ll try again. For the moment I am finishing to color the circles and then I will give another try to the assembly. I just wanted to make sure that no part of the circles needed to be cut. Again, Thank you very much for your kindness and best regards and greetings from Italy!

          • You are welcome! Many thanks for your kind reply. Good luck with your card! Greetings from Germany to Italy 🙂
            (Translated with Google:)
            Sei il benvenuto! Molte grazie per la vostra gentile risposta. Buona fortuna con la vostra carta! Saluti dalla Germania verso l’Italia 🙂

  • vraiment félicitations pour toutes les œuvres que vous avez réalisées.
    Merci également pour les tutos que vous mettez à la disposition pour les amateurs
    de belles choses
    Bonne continuation et beaucoup de succès Amicalement.

  • Dear Peter
    I just finished making this card, and it’s absolutely fantastic! I made a small error in a segment of the petals, but hopefully no one will notice 😉 . I plan to use it as a Valentines Card for my girlfriend. Thank you very much for this tutorial, and keep up the amazing work 😀

  • What a wonderfully clear and well explained tutorial. This is fabulous and I will have to make it for Mother’s Day. My Mum will be very impressed.

  • Amazing art and wonderful imagination and engineering wahooo !!! thank you for sharing your skills, i am going to enjoy doing this and get inspired from it. Thank you Peter

  • Thank you for a beautiful card and such an excellent tutorial. I look forwaeprd to making this card and will definitely look at your you tube videos.

  • Dear Mr. Peter, you are a genius. I am inspired. Amazing art and wonderful imagination.
    I also making Sanjhi Art Stencils. I am very much interested to make such crds for personal and for my clients too. Guide me for the same. What is the cost of cards, please inform.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Dear Ajay Shah, many thanks for your comment. You may use all of my tutorials to create your own cards – but please note, that they are free for PRIVATE USE only. If you want to create designs for commercial purposes (card for clients), you have to create your own designs. I ask for your understanding, that I am not a teacher – but a designer. I don’t teach the creation of pop-up cards. If you want some general advice, please refer to the FAQ section on my website: https://peterdahmen.de/en/faq/#FAQ004 In general, you can hire me to create new pop-up cards for clients – but at the moment (March 2016), I am fully booked, therefore, I can’t accept any new order on short notice. For more informations, please send me an email message to info@peterdahmen.de Thank you. With best regards, Peter

  • Hi Peter, just made your Peony card for my mum for Mothers Day. Fantastic. She will be well pleased. Thank you so much. Your work is fabulous. X

  • I want to make a pop up castle like the fairytale castles. but i cant find a tutorial to make one. Can u help me out in this regard. wish i will receive a quick reply.

  • Wow this is amazing. My mothers birthday is coming up and I wanted to make her a special card and this would be perfect! Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Peter, Im trying to put a gradient mesh on the petals on your Blank Pattern but everytime I open it on Photoshop it’s asking me for a password which I can’t find anywhere on your page

    • Dear Dustin, yes, you are right – the pdf file is protected by a password. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I have made bad experiences with open files. Here are three methods, how you can still print gradients onto the petals: 1) Open the pdf file in Acrobat reader, make a screenshot of each page, open the screenshots in Photoshop and add the gradient – or 2) Print the pdf file, put the printed pages aon a flatbed scanner, open the scans in Photoshop and add the gradient – or 3) Print the pdf file, put the printed sheets back into your printer – and print a gradient on top of the printed sheets. I hope, that I could help you! With all best, Peter

  • Hello Peter, I am a long-time fan of your amazing work – an engineer and an artist! I use your templates as a basis to transform some of the elements into fabric structures. I have been creating fabric pop ups, using your recommendations on paper weights to determine the type of fabric (organza to heavy cottons, silks and satin) and I sew very close seams for the folds and creases. I am now working to translate your peony flower into a fireworks display in satin and organza. Thank you so much for your generous templates as these are the basis of my fabric designs. Best wishes.

    • Thank you, Mary, for your kind comment. I have visited your website and I am deeply impressed to see your beautiful and amazing artworks. Keep up the great work! With all best, Peter

  • Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant. really enjoyed the challenge and love the finished card, I’ve bookmarked you and will certainly be doing more of these for my friends and family. thank you so much Peter for sharing your wonderful ideas and your easy to follow tutorials. i do several crafts and card-making has taken a bit of a backseat recently. You have inspired me to bring it back to the front seat,

  • Peter, desde la Ciudad de México muchísimas gracias! Fue una tarjeta ideal para el cumpleaños de mi esposa. De pronto no es muy fácil seguir las instrucciones pero con mucho cuidado el resultado es asombroso.
    Eres el mejor Peter, saludos.

    • Dear Jorge Alberto, thank you for your kind message! I am very pleased that you were able to create a beautiful birthday card for your wife. Greetings from Dortmund (Germany) to Mexico, Peter

      (Traducido con Google)
      Estimado Jorge Alberto, gracias por su amable mensaje! Estoy muy satisfecho de hecho se haya podido crear una hermosa tarjeta de cumpleaños para su esposa. Saludos desde Dortmund (Alemania) a México, Peter

    • Dear Rio, to create petals with more than one color, (like the pink and white flower in my video), you need to print a colored gradient on all pages that are needed for the petals. Instead of printing, you may also paint each of the elements with color before you assemble them. But keep in mind, that the blossom is made of 11 pieces, and you have to paint (or print) on both sides. This makes so much effort, that I decided, not to show it in my video. Unfortunately, there is no quick method to do this. I hope that I could help you. All the best, Peter

  • Absolutely awesome Peter. You are a marvel and so very generous in sharing your creations. I struggled with getting the flower together but I am so please with the results. Unfortunately…you must be using A4 paper while we in Canada have a shorter version (27.9 cm) and I cannot get the complete greenery on the sheet when printing. Can I suggest you might squeeze the leaves together in the middle of the sheet and put the info around the outside edges. That way us foreigners with strange paper sizes wouldn’t miss out on anything if the last bit of paper didn’t print.

    Thank you again, Dianna

    • Dear Dianna, many thanks for your kind comment. I just changed the template according to your suggestions and I hope, that it will now fit on a sheet of paper in “letter” size. Please download the pdf again. (Please note, that I didn’t change the name of the file.) All the best, Greetings from Germany to Canada, Peter

      • Peter, you are so generous with your time and patience. Taking the time to change your template just for us Canadians is awesome 🙂 It worked wonderfully. Hugs from Canada!

    • DearShweta, I don’t understand your question. I am explaining the creation of this flower pop-up card in the videos, RIGHT ON THIS PAGE. The pdf files to the templates are also on this page. Maybe this is a misunderstanding? I don’t share the plans for OTHER pop-up flower cards. The other flower pop-up cards that you can see on my website are either designs for clients or they are single pieces of art. I ask for your understanding, that I don’t share the plans for each and every pop-up card that I have ever created. Only the designs in my “tutorial” section are available as free templates (https://peterdahmen.de/en/category/tutorials/) If a certain desig is not on this page, it is not available as free template. I hope that I could help you. With all best, Peter

  • thx alot for the tutorial and the template.. but i still do not understand for the end of the tutorial part one.. how the flower petal at the end become half circle? we know that from the start it is a circle shape? Also, i can’t make the flower as beautiful as yours eventhough I follow the step exactly one by one… btw im using paper with 70g/m^2. and my flower can’t bloom as yours.. So, for make up my flower, I reshape each pettal, and do not follow the green/red line for mountain/valley fold.. and the result is better.. i dont know why..

    • Dear Chandra, many thanks for your comment. I am sorry that you had trouble with my tutorial. Please have a closer look at the video (Part one), especially at the seconds from 5:40 to 7:00 Maybe it helps, if you switch on the english subtitles. Make sure, that you keep all the folding lines – don’t fold the piece flat!! The final „flower“ does NOT look like a FULL circle. Make sure, that you can see the printed numbers on the sides (as seen in the video at 6:57). Each piece has still it’s „zig zag“shape, but they are connected to one large element. At 7:02 you can see, how the element shall look, when you connect it to the next element of the flower. I hope that this will help you to create the peony pop-up card as it is shown in the video! I wish you every success and much fun. With all best, Peter

  • This card is amazing! Probably one of the most beautiful I have ever seen! Will definitely try it! Thank you Peter!

  • These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing and making your creativity available to all. You are very generous!

  • Wow, I am so excited to find your tutorial and all the links you provided! I love pop-up cards and can’t wait to try this one and some of the others. Thank you so much for your amazing tutorials – you make it seem so easy! And thank you so much for sharing your talents!!

  • Thank You Peter for sharing this template and tutorial for the peony flower! I had fun making this card to give to my mother.

    • Dear Jersey, many thanks for your praise. I am happy that you like the flower pop-up card. Concerning the pop-up card with a computer: A modern computer (especially a laptop) is basically a rectangular object (a cuboid) and the screen is usually a flatscreen (in the form of a very thin cuboid) – so any tutorial, which explaines a “box” design will be helpful. PLease have a look at the You Tube channel of Duncan Birmingham. It is called the pop-up-channel. He explains all the basic techniques very well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx2M2bGHtXBszG6tuR_NIbQ I am sure, that you will be ble to create a computer pop-up card, after you have seen his tutorial videos. I wish you every success and much fun! With all best, Peter

  • You are a genius! I did not have any problems with the download and printout. The directions were clear. I am just amazed at how you could think of this!
    Thank you!

    • Dear Vikas Jain, Unfortunately, this is a misunderstanding. I don’t share the plans of EVERY pop up card design that I have ever created.
      Please note, that SOME of my paper pop up sculptures are artworks. I create these pop up sculptures only personally and only on order. The total edition is limited to 20 pieces worldwide. Each piece is signed and numbered by myself. I sell these artworks to museums and to private collectors. The „peacock“ is such a piece of art in a limited edition.
      I ask for your understanding, that I don’t share the templates for this artwork. If you are generally interested in FREE tutorials for pop up cards, please have a look at this list:https://peterdahmen.de/en/category/tutorials/
      Only the designs that can be found under this link are available as free templates. If a certain design is not on this list, it is not available.
      I hope that I could help you with my answer. With all best, Peter

  • Thank you so much for this tutorial. I am most anxious to see if I can make it look as nice as yours. It is evening and it will have to wait until tomorrow and hopefully I will have time then. Again, many thanks for taking the time to make the tutorial and post it for us to use.

  • I started pop ups after watching your video on youtube. Is there a possibility that i get to learn from you. U are superb and the best of all. Please reply.

    • Dear Umar Farooq Mir, thank you very much for your kind message. I am very happy that you like my pop-up designs!
      In general, I think, that you will learn most, if you just try it out. I myself learned most through trial and error, by hours and hours of practical experience.
      When I started to create pop ups (more than 27 years ago), I had no teacher, but only some books which explained the basic techniques.
      But today, you don’t even need to buy a book – because there’s Youtube! So you will be able to get all these informations for free.

      Do you know the You Tube channel of Duncan Birmingham? It is called the pop-up-channel – and he explains all the basic techniques very well:
      From my point of view, this is all you need to know – everything else will be you personal style – you will have to find, what works (and what doesn’t work) by practical experience. Don’t give up if you fail – try again with slightly changes. Finally you will succeed.

      Do you have a Facebook account? 
      As you might know, I share a lot of free templates on my Facebook fanpage. Maybe that helps to get started. 
      Please have a look at this list. It contains many links to templates, book-recommendations and video tutorials. (Not only from me, but from different paper artists.):

      Even if it is a Facebook-page, you should be able to see it – even without having an own Facebook account. (But I am not sure, if this works in every country in the world).
      Don’t forget to click on the „show previous comments – button“, because the list contains even more entries, than you can see at first sight.

      Furthermore, I share some personal tutorials on my website:

      Finally, the website „best pop-up books“ published a new webpage with many resources:

      I hope, that I could help you with my answer.
      If you have more questions, please have a look at my „FAQ“ page (frequently asked questions) on my website:

      I wish you every success and much fun with your own paper creations.

      With all best, Peter

    • Dear Afid, the creation of the “Peony” pop-up card is not very difficult (just time-consuming) – but you need to follow the instructions very carefully. You should watch the videos, before you start.
      There are two main points that you should respect: 1) Don’t cut out the “flower” elements along the dotted line. It is much easyer, if you cut out these elements very roughly, fold the and AFTERWARDS cut out the outline – as shown in the first video between min. 2:20 and 3:50. This will lead to a much more naturalistic and realistic look of the flower – and this procedure is much faster.
      2) The assembing of the “flower” is not so difficult, if you have the real elements in your hands. If you have folded the elements correctly – as I show it at 3:00, make sure that you don’t unfold them again, when it comes to the assembling. It is necessary, that you keep all the folding lines. The final „flower“ does NOT look like a FULL circle. Make sure, that you can see the printed numbers on the sides (as seen in the video at 6:57). Each piece has still it’s „zig zag“shape, but they are connected to one large element. At 7:02 you can see, how the element shall look, when you connect it to the next element of the flower. You will see, that the elements can only be connected in one possible way.
      I hope, that my hints will help you to create your own “flower” pop-up card. I wish you every success and much fun! All the best, Peter

  • thank you for your video, you explain things really well and i am looking forward to having a go at makinwell done.g this card.

  • Absolutely fantastic! I just watched your tutorial, made the card and I am so pleased that I am going to make several for birthday cards. Truly excited to try many of your other projects.
    Thank you!

  • Peter,

    Thank you SO much for being so generous by sharing some of your work to the public to learn and create your designs our selves. I read an unfortunate comment from you somewhere, explaining how some of your art was taken and passed off as someone else’s creation (basically stolen). Even after THAT happened, I am SO grateful that you still choose to let us download some of your work for free.

    My three year old son has become obsessed with pop-ups and we’ve really enjoyed recreating your work together.
    Anyway, thank you for being the source of these wonderful memories I get to make with my baby boy.

    • Dear Tiffany, many thanks for your kind comment. I am very happy that you like my free tutorials! I wish you much fun and every success with the pop-ups that you create together with your son. All the best, Peter

  • Hello, sir
    You inspired me a lot
    I’ll try to make something different by using this technique it’s really very interesting….. a big thanks for sharing ur art .

    • Dear Nahid, there is no ready-made template for the flower with the gradient from Punkt to white. To create such a flower, you have to draw or paint (or print) a pink to white gradient onto every page which is needed for the petals of the flower. SInce you need 11 elements for the petals, you will have to paint/draw/print 22 colored gradients. This is so time consuming and needs so much effort, that I decided, not to show this procedure in m video. But the principle is very simple: The flower will always have the same colors as the paper that you are using. I wish you every success and much fun with the creation of your own pop-up cards! All the best, Peter

  • Thank you for supplying the templates for this beautiful card. The video tutorials are very clear and easy to understand. You are an amazing artist!

  • Dear sir. I am Aryan chaudhary. I’m in dilemma because I couldn’t download your flowers pop up card 2015 that you had been made(which has three part that is 1’2’3. Please try to help me. I’m in hurry because I have to submit this flower pop up card tomorrow. If you don’t mine can you send me the link or template

    • Dear Aryan Chaudhary,
      many thanks for your message. I am sorry that you could not download the templates. I tried to send you the templates by email, but your email-address is not working. So please try agaon to download the template from this page. YOu will find the links right below the videos. Or click here:
      colored: flower_pop_up_card_template_color.pdf
      white: flower_pop_up_card_template_white.pdf
      Please note, that you may use this design only for private purposes. Any commercial use is not allowed. I wish you every success and much fun with the creation of your own pop-up cards. All the best, Peter

  • Dear Peter,
    Thank you very much for sharing so generously, your wonderful designs with us. I find your creativity so refreshing to my soul . Your voice is like a soothing balm and your instructions well thought out. I was so proud of myself for making the simplest design, that I want to continue with the more difficult ones! Once again, I Thank you form he bottom of my heart.

    • Thank you, dear Sharon, for your kind words! I am very happy that you like my designs. It is a pleasure to hear, that I could encourage you with an easier tutorial to try a more difficult one soon! I wish you much fun and every success with your next paper pop-up projects. All the best, Peter

  • I am in absolute awe of your skills! I will try my hand also, ( just for friends & family) but your creativity surpasses all!! 😀

  • Hello Peter. I was looking for an unusual card to make for a special friend and found your amazing tutorial. I have just started to make it. I have printed out all the pages and scored along the lines but when I came to page 5, I noticed that there was an error on my printout. I have tried to print 3 times and each time the same. I am worried I will run out of ink.
    The problem is 2 of the shapes are mixed up. The one with tab “P” is a small shape and most of the box is blank and the shape with the tab “Q” is large and fills beyond the outline. They seem to have changed places and should be the other way round. It is OK on the PDF but comes out wrong on the printout. Any suggestions please?
    I found your tutorial very well informed and thank you for sharing your amazing work.
    Kind regards, Terri

    • Hi Terry, many thanks for your message. I myself printed page 5 from the PDF file, and I can’t re-create the mistake, that you are describing. The two supports for the flower baser are identical. One is printed with the letters P, M and Q, – the other has the letters N, L and O on it. I am sure, that you just confused “Q” and “O”. Just fold the two supports as shown in my tutorial video – and don’t worry too much about the letters. Just attach the element as I show it in my video. I wish you every success and much fun. All the best, Peter

  • https://ibb.co/ks7Lgb. Ein Bild von die Test.
    Dieses Video ist wunderbar. Ich habe nur ein test gemacht und es funkioniert. Jetz ich kann die richtige Papier einkaufen und weiter gehen. Es war ein bischen kompliziert als ich began hatte aber dann alles war einfach und klar… Vielen Dank von die Dominikanische Republik

    • Dear Brenda, many thanks for your message – and for sending th image. Unfortunately, I noticed, that you did not assemble the elements correctly. Or, to be more exact: You joined the elements correctly, but after the pieces where connected, you folded them wrong and attached them not correct to the flower base. HERE is how it should work: If you have folded the elements correctly – as I show it at 3:00 (YES; you have cponnected them correctly!!), make sure that you don’t unfold them again, when it comes to the assembling. It is necessary, that you keep all the folding lines. The final „flower“ does NOT look like a FULL circle. Make sure, that you can see the printed numbers on the sides (as seen in the first video at 6:57). Each piece has still it’s „zig zag“shape, but they are connected to one large element. At 7:02 you can see, how the element shall look, when you connect it to the next element of the flower. You will see, that the elements can only be connected in one possible way.
      One more thing: the peony will look much more natural, if you cut out the petals by hand in a free line (NOT following the dotted line exactly) as I show it in 3:16.
      I hope that this information will help you to create your own peony pop-up card! I wish you every success and much fun. With all best, Peter
      Liebe Brenda, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht – und für das Senden des Fotos. Leider ist mir aufgefallen, dass Sie die Elemente nicht korrekt zusammengeklebt haben. Oder, um genau zu sein: Sie haben die Elemente richtig verbunden, aber nachdem die Teile verbunden waren, haben Sie sie falsch gefaltet und sie nicht korrekt auf die “Basis” geklebt. SO sollte es funktionieren: Wenn Sie die Elemente richtig gefaltet haben – wie ich es um 3:00 Uhr zeige (JA, Sie haben sie richtig verbunden), vergewissern SI esich, dass Sie sie bei der Montage nicht wieder auseinanderfalten. Es ist notwendig, dass Sie alle Faltlinien behalten. Die endgültige “Blume” sieht NICHT wie ein Vollkreis aus. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die gedruckten Zahlen auf den Seiten sehen können (wie es im ersten Video bei 6:57 zu sehen ist). Jedes Element hat immer noch seine “Zick-Zack” -Form, aber es sind mit dem großen Element verbunden. Bei 7:02 Uhr können Sie sehen, wie das Element aussehen soll, wenn Sie es mit dem nächsten Element der Blume verbinden. Sie werden sehen, dass die Elemente nur auf eine Art verbunden werden können.
      Noch eine Sache: Die Pfingstrose wird viel natürlicher aussehen, wenn Sie die Blütenblätter in einer freien Linie von Hand ausschneiden (NICHT genau der gepunkteten Linie folgend), wie ich es im ersten Video bei 3:16 zeige.
      Ich hoffe, dass diese Informationen Ihnen helfen werden, Ihre eigene Pfingstrosen-Popup-Karte zu erstellen! Ich Ihnen viel Erfolg und viel Spaß. Herzliche Grüße, Peter

  • Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so amazing, wonderful, and I’m surprised about your kindness. I think my mom and dad will like them a lot!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thank you for this tutorial. I have now made two. I am going to try to make a smaller version also. They are very impressive and would like to sell some if I make them. Is this possible? I make cards as a hobby and started to sell on Etsy as MiyoIkedaCreations. If this is not possible, I will just make them for personal use. Do you sell cards already made?

    • Dear Patricia, many thanks for your comment. I am happy that you have successfully created pop-up cards from my tutorial. I ask for your understanding, that it is not allowed to sell pop-up cards that are created from my free templates. They must not be used for any commercial purpose. If you want to sell pop-up cards (on Etsy or elsewhere), you need to create your own unique designs, but you must not use the designs from my free templates. On the following list you will find many resources to learn the creation of pop-up cards, e.g. books with instructions. Useful tips and links
      As a designer, I am paid for the creation of new pop-up card designs for my clients. Furthermore, I sell the rights of use (the licenses). But I don‘t sell any ready-made products. I hope that I could help you with my answer and I wish you every success and much fun with your Etsy shop! All the best, Peter

      • Great. I understand more about your designs and can make the flowers now without a template, but will not infringe on your designs commercially. I appreciate your quick response and was able to create the 3 inch flower.
        I will use your designed cards as gifts only.
        I look forward to reading more about pop up cards.

        • I include my logo on the back of my cards I give away and have included a design by Peter Dahmen on each card. I hope this is okay with you.

          • Dear Patricia Kawaguchi, many thanks for your message. I am not sure, if I have misunderstood you. It is allowed to give away the peony pop-up cards for free (= as a gift). But it is NOT allowed to sell these cards. It is IN GENERAL not allowed to sell pop-up cards that are made from my free templates. You are NOT allowed to sell my peony pop-up card on ETSY (or elsewhere). You are also NOT allowed to use my design for your own advertising, because ANY commercial use of my free templates is illegal. You are not allowed to put your logo on my cards. If you want to advertise your services, you need to create your own, unique designs. Please respect the copyright laws. Thank you.
            With kind regards, Peter

  • sir , i tried doing the peacock and the steps design by my own and i was successful in that i got a texture but now i am interested in doing much complex designs like the spherical thing and many other things so i request ur help in doing that
    thank you

    • Dear Prajwal S Rao, many thanks for your comment. I am happy that you managed it to create your own peacock pop-up card. Congratulations! You are obviously very talented.
      I ask for your understanding, that I don’t share the plans for each and every pop-up card (or popup sculpture) that I have ever created. Some of my paper sculptures are single, unique pieces of art. I sell these artworks to private collectors and to museums. I ask for your understanding, that I can’t sell my artworks and share the plans for free at the same time.
      I am a paper artist and a pop-up designer by trade. I create pop-up cards and paper sculptures to earn my living. But I am not a teacher or professor. Maybe, you have noticed, that I have more than 100’000 subscribers on my Youtube channel and nearly 200’000 Fans on Facebook. It is simply impossible, to give personal help to everybody.
      I can only give you some general help. Please have a look at the following page: useful-tips-and-links It contains many helpful resources that will help you to create your own pop-up designs. I wish you every success and much fun with the creation of your own paper artworks! All the best, Peter

      • OK sir can i atleast get the different viewed(like front view ,top view, sides views) photos of those sculpter so that i can try it myself.if u can can u send me the “PHOTOS” please

  • OK sir can i atleast get the different viewed(like front view ,top view, sides views) photos of those sculpter so that i can try it myself.if u can can u send me the “PHOTOS” please

    • Dear Prajwal S Rao, no, I can’t send you any additional information. As I said, these pop-ups are pieces of art. They are for sale. If you want to have one of these paper sculptures, you may buy it. Please understand, that I won’t support you in copying my unique paper artworks. I can’t give you any advice, especially not for free. In general, you should not copy existing artworks. Please create your own designs. Good luck! I wish you every success und much fun creating your own unique paper objects. All the best, Peter Dahmen

  • Amazing!!! Thank you for the tutorial and the templates! I’ve made these for a couple of my friends and they were absolutely stunned.

  • Thank you so much for this tutorial. Nothing is left to chance. Each step is intelligently thought out. The result is amazing. I will be proud to offer it to my mother on mother’s day !

    • Thank you, dear Anne! I am glad that you like it – and I am sure, that your mother will be very happy to receive such a nice pop-up card from you. All the best, Peter

  • I have finished everything but the 230 g/m2 back of the card, but I couldn’t find anywhere to get the aforementioned 230 g/m2 paper. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for creating this beautiful pop up card!

    • Dear Abner, many thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with paper specifications in lbs. For the back of the pop-up card you just need “sturdy” paper. I made a quick research on the internet and found the following specification: “Thick paper” with a weight of 221-256 g/m2 is described as: “80 lb. Cover – 140 lb. Index”
      I hope this helps! All the best, Peter

  • Bonsoir Mr DAHMEN j’ai beaucoup aimé cette phrase que vous avez dit : « N’abandonnez pas si vous échouez car j’échoue moi-même souvent. »
    J’ai pu réaliser grace à votre aide (Tutorial vidéo) certaines de vos réalisations.
    J’aimerais vous demandez s’il vous plait, si un jours vous nous partagerez un PDF template pour réaliser votre paon ou si vous nous permettrez d’acheter le modèle de paon pour le réaliser.
    J’aime beaucoup l’effet du mouvement.
    Merci Mr DAHMEN d’accepter de me répondre.

    • (Traduit par Deepl)
      Cher Carlos Queiroz,
      merci beaucoup pour votre message. Malheureusement, il s’agit d’un malentendu. Je ne partage pas les plans de tous les modèles de cartes pop up que j’ai créés. Veuillez noter que certaines de mes sculptures pop up en papier sont des œuvres d’art. Je ne crée ces sculptures pop up que personnellement et uniquement sur commande. L’édition totale est limitée à 20 pièces dans le monde entier. Chaque pièce est signée et numérotée par moi-même. Je vends ces œuvres d’art à des musées et à des collectionneurs privés. Le “paon” est une telle œuvre d’art en édition limitée. Je vous demande de comprendre que je ne partage pas les modèles de cette œuvre d’art. Si vous êtes intéressé par les tutoriels gratuits pour les cartes pop-up, jetez un coup d’œil à cette liste: (lien) Elle contient de nombreux liens vers des modèles, des recommandations de livres et des tutoriels vidéo – certains sont créés par moi, d’autres par d’autres artistes du papier. Si un pop-up donné ne figure pas dans cette liste, il n’est pas disponible en tant que tutoriel gratuit. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès et de plaisir avec vos propres créations en papier.
      Tous mes vœux de réussite
      Peter Dahmen

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