Tutorial: Rainbow Colored Peony Pop-Up Card”

A few years ago, in July 2013 I published a tutorial for a pop-up card that shows a peony. Many of you have successfully created such a pop-up card with the help of my tutorial. Congratulations! However, I believe that some of you thought that my tutorial was too complicated to try it out.That’s why I decided to create a new video to give you some additional information that will help you to create a peony pop-up card as well.

This video is in addition to my tutorial videos from 2013:

You will find all further information and the links to download the PDF files  here in my original article.

You will find more free tutorials in my Youtube Channel.


  • Thank you again for your cards. I keep looking at them and sharing your video with others. They are all amazing.

    The Happy New Year fan card with rainbow colors is beautiful. I tried to make it but it tears at the bottom of the fan. What am I missing? Do you have a tutorial for that one?

    • Dear Fiona, many thanks for your kind words. I am happy that you (still) like my pop-up card designs!
      The “Happy New Year fan card” is a commercial design that I created for the MoMA Store. I ask for your understanding, that am not allowed to share the templates (or to create a tutorial) for designs that I have sold to clients. But I am sure, that you will be able to solve the “issue” by yourself. Just create a new “fan” pop-up card with slightly different angles and / or different measurements. If the result is better, you have solved the problem, if it is worse, you have learned something – so your NEXT model will probably solve the issue. This is exactly the method, how I myself am improving my designs: by trial and error. Sometimes I create a dozen model (or even moree) before all details fit perfectly! I wish you every success and much fun with the creation of your own pop-up cards.

  • Dear Peter,

    Thank you so much for sharing this incredible piece of art with us. The way you bring such beauty to life, especially with the rainbow-colored peony, is truly inspiring. Your work never fails to leave me in awe of the creativity and dedication behind it.

    I deeply appreciate the time and effort you put into your creations. Please keep up the amazing work; it’s a gift to all of us who get to experience it!

    Warm regards,

    • Dear Jaseph,
      thank you very much for your kind feedback! I am very happy that you like my “peony pop up card tutorial”. I wish you every success and much fun with your next pop-up projects!
      All the very best

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