I have created these 11 pop-up sculptures in the years between 1989 and 2011. Perhaps you know them already from some of my other YouTube videos. Today I used these sculptures to test some visual effects in iMovie.
I designed these pop-up sculptures as single, unique pieces of art. I ask for your understanding, that I don’t want to give away tutorials for these artworks. But If you are generally interested in tutorials for pop-up cards, I invite you to visit the following web page. Here I published a list with many tutorials and some book recommendations, not only from me, but created by paper artists from all over the world: Free Tutorials for Pop-Up Cards.
there are no word to heart can explain the joy to watch such a master piece video…the feeling of eternity and strength are intrinsically felt!!
Dear Marina,
many thanks for your kind words. I am very happy that you like my pop-up sculptures!
All the best, Peter